Weekly Wingman: THIS Dating Profile Tweak Will 7x Your Matches

Weekly Wingman: THIS Dating Profile Tweak Will 7x Your Matches

How To Talk To Girls Podcast


This episode narrates an experiment conducted on a dating profile to significantly increase matches and dates on popular platforms like Hinge, Tinder, and Bumble. By strategically improving the profile with better photos and engaging prompts, the host observed a remarkable surge in matches within 24-48 hours. The initiative aimed to enhance profile effectiveness, not pursue new relationships, with insights shared in an upcoming YouTube video. The host's personal experience showcased the impact of profile enhancements on match quantity and successful date arrangements, emphasizing the importance of optimizing dating profiles for better outcomes.


0:00:00Enhancing Your Dating Profile for More Matches

This section narrates an experiment conducted on a dating profile to significantly increase matches and dates. The host explains the process of testing with average pictures and prompts on popular dating platforms like Hinge, Tinder, and Bumble. By making strategic improvements to the profile, the host observed a notable surge in matches and dates within 24 hours. The story is linked to an upcoming YouTube video release, detailing the journey and insights gained from this experiment. The initiative was not aimed at pursuing new relationships, as the host is happily partnered with someone named Megan. The intention was to analyze and enhance the effectiveness of a standard profile based on observations from coaching experiences. The host shares the initial profile setup, including images such as fishing and unclear depictions, and highlights the importance of optimizing dating profiles for successful outcomes.

0:02:10Optimizing Dating Profile for Better Matches

This section describes an experiment conducted on a dating profile to enhance match results. Initially, the profile featured low-quality images with obscured faces and generic prompts leading to average outcomes. The process involved upgrading to professional photos, refining the bio with more engaging and specific prompts. Results after 36-48 hours highlighted a significant increase in matches and dates. While the outcome was expected, the improvement in pictures and profile quality demonstrated a clear impact on match quantity. To delve deeper into the details and view the before-and-after changes, watching the related YouTube video is recommended for insights on messaging strategies and actual outcomes.

0:04:53Effective Dating Profile Tweaks for Increased Matches

This section narrates a personal experience where the speaker improved their online dating profile and significantly boosted their match rate. Initially, they obtained around 10-15 matches across Tinder, Hinge, and Bumble in 36-48 hours. After refining their profile, within just over 24 hours, they secured approximately 70-90 matches, demonstrating a notable increase. The speaker emphasizes the efficiency of their approach in swiftly moving conversations off the apps to set up dates, with minimal investment and brief interactions. The focus is on the drastic improvement in match quantity, ultimately leading to a higher number of successful date arrangements.

0:07:28Improving Dating Profile for Better Matches

This section details the process of improving a dating profile to enhance match results. The individual experimented with changing their profile elements, from average to high-quality photos and tailored prompts. By selecting the best angles, outfits, and authentic shots, the profile showcased his genuine self. The use of specific prompts, like being passionate about unique sushi, increased engagement. The strategic changes significantly boosted the number of dates, demonstrating the impact of profile enhancements on match rates.

0:10:15Optimizing Dating Profile for More Matches

This section narrates an experiment conducted on a dating profile to enhance match potential. The individual tested different prompts, opting for specific and personalized choices like rare cuts of sushi and Sancerre wine. The bio highlighted an affinity for rare sushi, improv jazz piano, and countryside France, seeking a like-minded, affectionate companion. The refined profile led to a significant increase in matches, prompting thoughts on extending the experiment duration for more date opportunities.

0:12:49Optimizing Dating Profile for More Matches

This section explains the results of an experiment conducted on optimizing a dating profile. The individual invested around 4 to 5 hours daily in swiping on two different profiles, leading to a significant increase in matches and dates. The key takeaways include the importance of professional photos, improving bio and prompts for higher engagement, and not worrying about the perception of having professional images as most users are focused on the content. It's advised to batch swiping sessions for better productivity while emphasizing the potential impact of profile enhancements on achieving better results.

0:15:43Effective Online Dating Profile Tips

This section discusses the importance of optimizing your online dating profile with engaging photos, well-crafted prompts, and a compelling bio. It emphasizes the role of professional coaches in enhancing profile quality, selecting the best pictures, and providing valuable insights. The text highlights the impact of professional photos, specific bios, and concise messaging in improving match rates. Additionally, it suggests a simple yet effective opening line to initiate conversations with potential matches.

0:17:48Effective Online Dating Tactics

This section discusses the success rate of using a strategic approach in online dating. The speaker highlights how providing just their phone number results in a 95% response rate within 24 hours. However, not everyone responds to this approach. Those who do typically text back, while a minority reciprocate with their own number. The process is simplified as the speaker directly initiates dating conversations. Personalization is emphasized, encouraging the listener to tailor the strategy to their preferences for improved results. The speaker assures the effectiveness of this method and offers assistance in customizing prompts, pictures, and messages. To access further support, the listener is directed to tripadvicecoaching.com. The segment concludes with a reminder of the potential success brought by implementing the provided online dating plan.